Farm Worker Jobs in Canada with Visa Sponsorship

Canada is one of the top agricultural producing countries in the world. With its vast expanses of arable land and ideal growing conditions, Canada produces huge quantities of crops like wheat, canola, corn, soybeans, berries and much more. It is also a major producer of livestock like beef, pork, poultry and dairy.

To sustain this massive agricultural output, Canada requires a significant agricultural workforce numbering in the hundreds of thousands. Both Canadian citizens as well as temporary foreign workers fill these farm laborer positions across the country.

In fact, over 60,000 temporary foreign workers come to Canada annually to work on farms and in greenhouses through the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program. The number of agriculture job openings continues to rise each year in Canada as rural communities expand and more farmland is cultivated.

According to government forecasts, the number of job vacancies for general farm workers and agricultural machinery operators is expected to reach 15,200 between 2019 and 2028. By 2028, this number could rise to over 17,000 open positions. This creates plentiful opportunities for both Canadians and foreigners looking for agriculture jobs in Canada.

Farm owners provide accommodations for their workers and also sponsor work permits and temporary visas. This allows farms to hire international workers to fill labor shortages. The jobs do not require formal education or prior experience, just a willingness to work hard.

If you are looking for a farm laborer job in Canada along with visa sponsorship, read on for more details about these in-demand positions.

Benefits of General Farm Worker Jobs in Canada

Working as a farm laborer in Canada offers some excellent benefits, especially for foreign workers who obtain a work permit and visa sponsorship:

  • Accommodation is provided, usually at a very low cost around $30-50 per week to cover utilities. Many farms also provide free housing.
  • Relocation assistance is offered, including financial support for airfare/transport to Canada.
  • Initial medical insurance coverage for the first 2-3 months.
  • Employers directly provide work visa sponsorship and cover costs.
  • Opportunity to get wage increases based on your performance.
  • Average earnings of $1500 – $3200 CAD per month, depending on experience.
  • Gain Canadian work experience which can help in applying for permanent residency.

These benefits make farm labor jobs very appealing to foreign workers from developing countries. The high wages and chance to live/work in Canada make it worthwhile.

Salary Range for Agricultural Workers in Canada

The average hourly wage for general farm workers in Canada ranges from $12.50 to $27 CAD. This depends on your specific duties, level of experience, location in Canada, and other factors. The minimum wage for farm workers is around $12.50/hour in most provinces.

Skilled, experienced farm machinery operators and supervisors can earn up to $27/hour. During peak harvest seasons when overtime is required, hourly pay can be higher. For temporary foreign workers, average monthly earnings range from $1500 – $3200 CAD.

Year-round full-time work is possible on dairy, hog and poultry farms. Greenhouse workers also often have 12 month contracts. Seasonal fruit and vegetable farm jobs run from spring to fall, around 6-8 months of work.

Job Duties and Description

As an agricultural worker in Canada, your job will involve performing a variety of duties related to crop production and livestock care such as:

  • Planting, cultivating, maintaining and harvesting various crops like fruits, vegetables, grains, oilseeds etc.
  • Operating farm machinery like tractors and combines to plough, plant, spray, harvest crops
  • Cleaning and maintaining farm buildings, equipment and machinery
  • Feeding, watering, birthing and raising livestock like chickens, turkeys, pigs, cows etc.
  • Collecting eggs, milking cows by hand or machine
  • Some processing/packing of products may be required
  • Maintaining crops/livestock health by applying fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides
  • Keeping records of crops, livestock, supplies etc.

You will work both indoors and outdoors. The work requires standing, bending, lifting and performing repetitive motions for extended periods. Having a good work ethic, positive attitude and ability to work independently or collaboratively are essential.

Agricultural Jobs Available Across Canada

Farm laborer positions are available across Canada’s provinces based on the key crops, livestock and commodities produced:

  • Farm worker jobs in Alberta – Grain farms and cattle ranches hire workers year-round. Jobs include equipment operators, animal husbandry, fieldwork.
  • Farm worker jobs in British Columbia – Fruit orchards and vineyards providing seasonal picking/harvesting jobs. Nurseries and greenhouses also hire workers.
  • Farm worker jobs in Canada – Dairy, hog, poultry and cash crop farms providing year-round work. Seasonal produce like fruit, vegetables and mushrooms.
  • Farm worker jobs in Manitoba – Dairy farms and maple syrup production offer jobs. Fruit picking seasonal roles. Significant greenhouse vegetable operations.
  • Farm worker jobs in Ontario – Grain, oilseed and pulse crop farms require spring to fall labor. Pig barn work year-round.
  • Agricultural worker jobs in Quebec – Fruit and vegetable crop labor from spring to fall. Significant demand for fish/seafood plant workers.
  • Farm Laborer Jobs in Mississauga – Grain farms, cattle ranches and feedlots offer equipment operator and animal care roles.

This is just a sampling of the major regions. Almost every province has openings across various agricultural sectors.

Canadian Farm Employers Offering Jobs and Visa Sponsorship

Many Canadian farm owners and agriculture companies are approved to hire temporary foreign workers and directly sponsor their visas.

Here are some leading employers frequently hiring for farm jobs and providing visa sponsorship:

  • Top Tomato Foods – Ontario greenhouse vegetable grower and packer hiring over 150 foreign workers annually.
  • Apple Springs Orchards – BC apple and cherry orchard hiring up to 60 seasonal workers. Provides housing.
  • Caesars’ Estate Farm – Quebec dairy farm hiring milkers, equipment operators and animal care roles.
  • Sunnyside Produce – Manitoba vegetable farm growing potatoes, beans, onions and herbs. Hires over 100 seasonal workers.
  • Henria Holsteins – Alberta dairy farm with 95 milking cows hiring full-time milkers and barn hands.
  • Sunterra Farms – One of Canada’s largest egg producers with farms in multiple provinces. Hires over 150 foreign workers for egg grading, packing and barn roles.
  • Link Greenhouses – Ontario veggie greenhouse complex hiring over 250 seasonal workers for planting, harvesting, packing.

There are thousands of job vacancies across hundreds of Canadian farms and agricultural businesses like these ones. Most farms now depend on foreign labor to meet their needs.

Applying for Agricultural Work in Canada

To apply for a farm job in Canada along with visa sponsorship, follow these steps:

  • Do your research and identify farms hiring for roles that match your skills and interests.
  • Check the farm’s website or contact them directly to ask about open positions.
  • Once you find a suitable job opening, send your resume/application to the employer.
  • If the farm wishes to hire you, they will send you a job offer letter. This is required for the visa application.
  • Work with the farm’s immigration liaison to prepare and submit your temporary work visa application to IRCC.
  • On approval, the farm will provide details about travel, accommodations etc.
  • Arrive in Canada on your scheduled start date, ready to begin an amazing agricultural work experience!

The hiring and visa process can take 2-3 months from start to finish. Planning in advance and working closely with the employer is key to success.

Starting a career as a farm laborer in Canada is an excellent opportunity. The jobs provide stable income, rewarding work, and the chance to gain skills and experience that can open doors to full immigration.

If you have the right motivation and work ethic, Canada’s booming agriculture sector offers promising prospects. With over 15,000 new openings expected in the coming years, your dream agriculture job could be waiting.

Click here to apply for farm job openings in Canada

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